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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • I gained the confidence to try short hair
  • 2023-02-03 hit.13,585
  • Writer : KIM

Why I Decided to do Surgery

I had malocclusion where my incisors were leaning backward, severe asymmetry, and I could see too much of my gums when I smiled. When I was in middle school, my friends grabbed my chin and made fun of me by calling me names. I know now that it was meaningless teasing between children, but I was very hurt at the time. I wasn't diagnosed with a lantern jaw but I was still very self-conscious about it. As I grew up I felt that I had severe asymmetry, and I didn't like having my photo taken, so I always offered to take group photos, turned away from the camera, or covered my face. When my younger sibling was getting orthodontic treatment, I had my bite checked up as well, and was told that the only way to solve all the symptoms was through double jaw surgery. At the time, my parents were extremely against the idea of surgery, so I could not do it. They said they would support me financially if it's just orthodontic work, but I wanted double jaw surgery, so I prepared for it on my own.

Why I Chose the EU

After hearing that I need to do double jaw surgery, I spent 3-4 years researching plastic surgery, dental, and maxillofacial surgery communities online and gathered information, as well as visiting maxillofacial surgery clinic websites to look at patients' reviews and before and after photos. So many people around me told me that double jaw surgery had to be done at a university hospital... but I also read a lot about botched cases from university hospitals which made me think that university hospitals are not 100% safe, and honestly... the biggest reason was that I felt that just by fixing the asymmetry I would feel more confident in my appearance. You only live once... even if I'm not the prettiest woman in the room, I want to stop hiding when having my photos taken. But university hospitals seem to focus much more on just the medical aspect and not too much on the physical appearance haha...ha... So I didn't look much into university hospitals. I picked some oral and maxillofacial surgery clinics based on the before and after photos that I liked, and EU was one of them. Of all the before and after photos that I've seen, EU's was the most!!! aesthetically pleasing to me. So... although I did a lot of research on my own, EU was the first and last in-person consultation I did. After consulting with Dr. Shin, I felt assured. I felt more convinced because he didn't say "you have to do it!"

Day of the Surgery

The biggest thing I noticed when waking up from the anesthesia is how cold I felt. Before going into surgery, the doctor told me that I had to relax my body to prevent swelling, but I was shivering from the cold so I couldn't relax :( The hospital turned on the heater for me but the feeling of being cold went on for quite a while... and when the anesthesia is completely expelled from the system, you're allowed to sleep, but I kept falling asleep and waking up before that point repeatedly. But when the time arrived when I was finally allowed to sleep, my nose began to feel blocked and my throat felt too uncomfortable for me to fall asleep. I kept falling asleep and waking back up. I wanted to remove the nasal tube so badly... And the back of my neck was painful for some reason, maybe I tensed my body too much?

+) I woke up in the middle of the night and it was less painful than I expected, so I took a selfie. I can't cover my face with one hand but it still shocked me so I sent 3 selfies to my relative I'm so excited!!

Day 1

At around 6 or 7AM, the nurse removed the tube from my nose. I thought it would be after 9AM but because they removed it 2 hours early I was so happy lololol I felt a bit more comfortable when they removed it. The tube made me gag whenever I tried to drink water or swallow my own saliva but now I can drink some little sips of water often. I did a laser deswelling treatment in the morning, met with the doctor to dress the wound, and what was it... I was taught how to bite the wafer (?) it was tough but I was told to do it often so I tried... then I forgot LOL... I feel better than yesterday so I guess I will feel even better tomorrow!

Day 2

I did the deswelling laser in the morning, met with the doctor for wound dressing, and was discharged before 9AM because it's a Sunday. As soon as I went home I weighed myself and I was heavier than just before the surgery.....?!?? I felt betrayed!! Anyway, the TV at home keeps showing me Mukbang. After being discharged I am very aware of how hungry I am... I had some Nucare and took my medicine. I was already very bad at taking tablets so I was worried but somehow I managed to take them all! I want to eat ramyun soon... I'm hungry... I'm noticing that because of how hungry I am it means I'm definitely not in pain..... It seems like every night my throat swells a bit because at night it's very uncomfortable :( Whenever that happens I remove the compression band and when I feel better I put it back on, but if I feel like this tomorrow I will contact the clinic!

Day 3

I removed all the tapes from my face! But I couldn't remove it completely... I had trouble digesting Nucare, so I mixed some pumpkin puree with water to thin it out and drank it, and I'm definitely more swollen than yesterday! The staff told me that I will swell more after being discharged and that I don't need to worry about it, so I just ignored it. My wafer fell off while I was gargling, so I urgently contacted the clinic, but they explained everything to me so well that I could put it back on again... It was a relief.

Day 4
Finally! I took a shower and went to the hair salon to get my hair washed and went for a walk. When I woke up, it felt like I was biting my cheek, which made me realize just how swollen I was, but when evening came, it seems like it reduced a little... Now my butt is beginning to feel uncomfortable so I need to figure out how to sleep sitting up. I had a video call with some relatives who knew I did surgery, and they told me my face looks much smaller despite the swelling... Which relieved some of my anxiety 
('ω') but my throat keeps hurting which is worrying me. It seems like the throat is a bit warm as well... I should ask them when going in for the laser deswelling treatment tomorrow!

Day 5

I went to get the laser deswelling treatment. I think I did it for longer than when I was hospitalized... But maybe that's just my imagination. It was nice to lie down during the laser treatment! Also, the wafer kept falling off whenever I eat, so they adjusted it for me but it still fell off while I ate dinner just now, so I think I will adjust it again tomorrow! I video-called my grandma and she told me I was pretty even though I'm swollen so I felt good! hehe

+) ...Maybe it's because I laughed too much today because of my cousin, but my upper gums hurt... I will also need to ask about that tomorrow at the clinic....

Day 6
Today I went to the clinic for the laser deswelling treatment and also because I needed a medical certificate. I wanted to adjust my wafer again, but it was the staff's day off so they said I could do it tomorrow during the 1 week check-up(?) so I felt better! I'm having trouble biting the way I should be because the wafer keeps falling out :( I will do it diligently once it's adjusted tomorrow :( The swelling was very severe yesterday, but today it feels like it's slowly going down. It's going down asymmetrically but I'm just glad it's going down at all. 

+) There's a weird tingly sensation next to my nose and I don't know if it's the nerves recovering... Even now only this area is tingly :(...

Day 8
Today I fell asleep after putting the compression band on and practicing biting the wafer, but I guess I was biting too hard because the area under my ear was painful. Also, the hearing in my right ear began being a bit muffled since yesterday at dawn, but it comes and goes... Sometimes it's severe and sometimes I'm relieved! I went for a walk in the evening to help with the swelling and I hope it goes away quickly :( I want to remove the stitches soon and brush my teeth. I'm wondering if my molars feeling sensitive is due to the fact that I can't brush my teeth :( 

+) I really hope time passes by quickly. The things I want to eat increase as each day passes :( 

Day 9

I think the swelling is better than yesterday! I'm excited! I removed the stitches for the zygoma reduction today and they put some tape over the area and they told me to avoid sunlight and to make sure the tape doesn't fall off for 2 days so I am doing my best to do as they say. I watched a video from EU's Youtube channel today and saw that Dr. Shin takes extra care when removing the stitches so I felt relieved... but he did say it would still hurt so I was also worried... I'm simultaneously looking forward to and scared of removing the stitches... because I'm a total wimp... but I trust Dr. Shin to remove it well (;o;) I wasn't able to go on as long of a walk as yesterday, but taking even a shorter walk helped with my mood so I think it's good. I was biting my teeth so hard yesterday that the left side of my jaw has a dull pain much like after the surgery, and the muscle feels tense and uncomfortable so I used the ice pack from the hospital to make it slightly warm and apply it to the affected area and I think... the pain slightly subsided(?) I will ask the clinic if it keeps hurting. The swelling is going down little by little and I can notice it so I feel good! I'm thankful that it's already been 9 days but I want time to go by even faster!! I got this!!

Day 10

Finally! Double digits! I've been getting my hair washed at a hair salon but today I finally washed my hair on my own today and it was really tough :( I can't wash my hair by tilting my head forward because I did zygoma reduction surgery, but it's tough to tilt my head back because my arm hurt. After the shower, I was dizzy and it was difficult to breathe so I canceled the laser deswelling appointment. I was touched because they were so nice about it,,, I was laying down due to the dizziness and I noticed that I can breathe well so I think I will sleep completely lying down tonight... I'm worried that I will become super swollen but! I have finished taking my medicine and I don't need to do the compression band after the 1-week mark, and I can start sleeping normally, everything is becoming easier one by one so despite being upset by not being able to eat whatever I want, these little positive things are uplifting! I will definitely go in for the deswelling laser tomorrow! I hope the swelling goes down even more soon~~ (*'▽'*)

Day 11

I did the deswelling laser that I made an appointment for yesterday, and I went to buy the mouthwash liquid (I don't remember the name :( ) at the Pharmacy because I'm almost done using it. I wanted to look around Express Bus Terminal before going home but breathing became difficult and I started to feel dizzy I thought I was going to die :( I don't have much of an appetite these days and I'm not taking any medications so I haven't been eating breakfast lunch and dinner regularly or at all, so that's probably why :( I felt that I should really eat well based on this experience so I went home, got some rest, and ate some soup and yogurt. From now on, even if I don't have an appetite and I'm lazy, I should eat well :(!! The feeling in the roof of my mouth is mostly returned, and the left upper lip and right lower lip are back, but the right upper lip and left lower lip aren't fully recovered yet. It seems to be coming back slowly.  The area under my eyes and cheeks on either side isn't back yet but the right side feels a bit more numb than the left side! But the tingly, tickly feeling is present so I guess it's recovering! Also! I was told that hearing can become muffled after zygoma reduction surgery as if there's water in your ears, and that symptom appeared in my right ear! I can feel it when I swallow my saliva, and if I swallow again it gets better, then if I swallow again it comes back but I guess it will get better with time and it's not super uncomfortable..? I am trying to wait patiently!

Day 12

I had soy milk, soup, pumpkin porridge, and ice cream. Maybe it's because I'm eating often and well, but I feel like my stamina is returning. The numbness on the right side under the chin is recovering better than on the left side. I think the numbness is recovering in different parts rather than all at the same time. Sometimes the lower jaw feels somewhat knotted. I want to eat various porridges with different toppings soon ( ՞ ՞)

Day 14

I finally removed the stitches today. I was hoping it wouldn't hurt but the upper gums hurt a bit :( But now that the stitches have been removed, I am now allowed to eat a wider variety of food so I'm happy. I cut up some naengmyeon into tiny pieces and swallowed it and it was so delicious :( I also heard that removing the stitches means that the swelling will go down better so I really hope so! I also... need to do the jaw exercises diligently!!!

Day 15

I can't chew but I can eat more things so I feel like my strength has increased! I saw the screw(?) in my gums for the first time while brushing my teeth and it was fascinating. The screw... will also need to be removed later... I'm already worried that removing it will hurt because I'm a wimp... Anyway! Up until a few days ago, I couldn't reach the molars with my teeth so it was tough but today I was happy because I could reach it easier! I met with some relatives who were so worried and tried to talk me out of the surgery, but now that I've done the surgery they said I made a tough but good decision, and they were so happy that it sent well and I was happy because the result is so pretty and well done!!! It was a good day!!!!!

Day 16

I ate a Homerun Ball but because I can't open my mouth very wide I had to squish it before putting it in my mouth. After removing the stitches, I wasn't able to do the 4 sets of 10 jaw exercises :( I have to do better. The left side is a bit stiffer than the right side when I do the jaw exercises but I guess... it's... fine..? I want time to pass quickly so I can eat more tasty food!!

Day 17

Before removing the stitches, waiting for 2 weeks to remove the stitches felt like a long time, but now that the stitches are removed, it feels like time is passing by faster. I ate a chocolate pie snack by putting it in the microwave, and had porridge, I guess it's because I can eat more things. From 2 weeks before surgery until now, I was cautious of the supplements I was taking, but my period began today so I asked the staff and I was told that I can take supplements or painkillers freely so I took some. If my period happened immediately after the surgery, I think I would have had no strength and would have been dizzy, and had more trouble with recovery, but I'm glad that it happened at a time when I could take painkillers. Today I was able to do the recommended amount of jaw exercises so I'm proud!! Yesterday, the right ear began hurting before sleeping, but now that time has passed, the pain disappeared. I think the numbness is about the same as the 11-day mark. I hope it recovers soon! ٩ )و

Day 18

When I wake up in the morning, the swelling is bad but in the evening the swelling goes down. I can only fit one finger in my mouth, so I think I need to do the jaw exercises more. The shape of the left and right of my jaw looks different but I can't tell if it's swelling or the bone. I think I will be able to see once the swelling goes down!!

Day 19
I unconsciously blew my nose while washing my face, and it felt like my right ear had water in it. I can feel the pressure or whatever it is in my ear changing whenever I blew my nose so I did it a few times... then I got concerned so I asked the staff if I'm allowed to blow my nose but was told not to blow it very hard so I think I should be careful :( ... I looked at the photos that I took of my progress since the surgery, and compared the day 4-5, my swelling is much better, but it feels like the progress has stagnated. I'm dizzy due to being on my period, so I haven't been going on walks and not moving much, so maybe that's why? Anyway! I have been doing the jaw exercises and I'm worried I'm not doing it properly... It feels somewhat stiff but I'm not sure. I need to be able to fit 2 to 3 fingers by the next check-up next week, but I feel like I'm far from being able to do that! I should practice more!!

Day 20

I think the swelling might be better than yesterday... or not! While taking a shower, it felt like the left cheekbone was a bit tight for the first time. I wonder if it's because I did the jaw exercises too much yesterday... I felt so happy when entering two digits for the number of days since surgery, but now I'm happy because the first digit changes hehe I can't believe it's already been 20 days I want time to go even faster! But... When I'm biting the wafer and relaxing my lips, my lips don't close and there is space between my lips. I'm worried about this as well, and each side isn't symmetrical to each other so I'm worried as well :( Will this get better when the swelling goes down?? I should ask them tomorrow :( I hope it's something that will get better!!

Day 21

I blended up some porridge and cut up some toppings into small pieces but I'm having trouble digesting them. Not being able to chew when eating... makes me so sad even though I'm eating :( Before removing the stitches I just wanted to be able to swallow food, but now I want to chew... there is no end to my greed lol yesterday I asked about the space between the lips and the asymmetry between them
but I was told it was due to swelling and to wait patiently!!! I'm happy cuz it's been 3 weeks, but I still want time to pass by faster! I want to chew tasty food!!

Day 24

I started getting some acne. For about a week after surgery, I thought... I should be getting some acne by now, but they didn't appear until today after washing my face diligently. Why. How. I don't know. I thought the numbness in the roof of my mouth was back completely, but while brushing my teeth I noticed that my gums can't feel the toothbrush and I realized that the feeling in the roof of my mouth isn't back either... Whenever I do the jaw exercises, the right cheekbone or jaw hurts more than the left, but the swelling is asymmetrical so I wonder if that's why the pain is also asymmetrical? Also now the screws in my gums are very noticeable when I do the jaw exercises... sometimes it feels sharp and hurts :( I wonder if they will be removed during the 1-month checkup... I hope so... but even if they say no, there's nothing I can do but wait! Also hehe my desire to chew on food must have been strong lol I keep eating in my dreams. I noticed that I move my jaw as though I'm chewing on something when I'm sleeping :( I want to chew and swallow something..!


Day 25

......My acne is pretty severe now. I haven't been paying attention to my skin so maybe that's why it's coming up all at once :( I have excess sebum in places that didn't before so I'm shocked. I was so worried about my skin that I stopped worrying about the swelling LOL I guess that's a good thing haha. Now my only concerns are the sharp feeling of the screws and the muffled hearing appearing and disappearing whenever I do the jaw exercises. Today I ate spicy carbonara by boiling the noodles for a very long time and cutting it into tiny pieces... I used to eat it with no problem but because it's been a while it felt so spicy :( And after eating about half I felt so full (likely because of all the water I drank) that I couldn't eat anymore. Also, I was so happy to eat something otherworldly(?) for the first time in a long time... Now all that's left is the swelling and acne... (˘з˘)

Day 26

I'm writing this as I'm doing the jaw exercises! The swelling is still asymmetrical but maybe it's because the gap in the lips is bothering me, I've been subconsciously putting more pressure on the side that doesn't close. I'm worried that this will affect the result of the surgery :( ... The numbness in the left side of the lower lip is returning bit by bit but whenever I touch it, it feels strange. I can feel something hard on either side towards the sideburns and I can't tell if it's bone or the titanium plate lol I can see the length of my face is reduced when I go to take a shower, so I'm so so happy!!!

Day 27

I'm trying to treat the acne, but it's not easy. I have a lot of sebum, especially around my nose and in an online community for double jaw surgery, there were other people who said that they had some excess sebum after the surgery, so I felt somewhat reassured that I wasn't alone LOL I don't know why... but anyway! I sleep with my mouth open so the inside of my mouth feels dry and stiff. The numbness is about the same but I want it to recover quickly!

Day 29

I did the one-month checkup today! To be honest, I have been wondering if I made the wrong decision every time I was craving chewing and eating and tasting something tasty but couldn't, and thinking I should have just lived my life the way I looked... and sometimes I regretted it (̑◡・̑) but after looking at the before and after photos, I felt that I made the right decision very strongly LOL the length of my face is definitely shorter so I was so happy... and the fact that my cheekbones aren't protruding when viewed from the side, made me happy. I can still only fit one finger in my mouth, so I was told I had to do more of the jaw exercise :( So I think I should... haha but now I can chew a bit so I'm so happy.


Day 30

After surgery, I didn't really go out much other than to go to the clinic, but I went out for the first time in a while. I couldn't wash my hair so I wore a hat... and I was so happy that my cheekbones weren't protruding, and in the past, my face looked long despite covering my face with a hat, which stressed me out, but now I'm so happy that it's shorter. The swelling in my cheeks isn't severe so as long as the nose and philtrum swelling goes down, no one will know that I did surgery!

Day 34

I've been nocturnal these days sleeping in the morning and waking up at night. Yesterday I had ddeokbokki and fish cake before sleeping which was so tasty but it was spicy and high in sodium so my face was more swollen than normal haha the jaw felt stiff when I woke up but it felt better after doing the jaw exercises!! I will be meeting with a friend tomorrow for the first time in a while so I'm excited and nervous :( !!!!

Day 35

I did makeup for the first time since surgery but the numbness didn't fully recover so it felt weird lol It feels like my skin but also not... I saw my friend for the first time since surgery and as soon as she saw me she said she didn't expect me to change this much and that it turned out so well... haha she was so fascinated and said that my side profile is so different as well... she took photos because it was so fascinating. It was a good day ( ՞ ՞)

Day 42

I can't believe it's over 40 days now I didn't even realize so I'm extra happy haha! Today I went to the clinic for braces. I started using elastics on the right side and I need to keep them on for 12-14 hours including while I sleep. But I don't need to use the wafer anymore so I'm happy! Another milestone! haha I can't remove my mask outside due to covid so I always take selfies at home so I hope covid dies down soon so that I can go out freely and take photos in various places :(

I drove for the first time since the surgery! I was very careful! haha I met with some relatives that I met with not long after the surgery when I was still swollen, and they were very fascinated because the swelling dissipated a lot! I'm used to the elastics already so I can put it on easily if there's a mirror! I... just want the swelling in my nose to dissipate quickly ........٩ )و 

My friend that took a photo of me a few days ago sent the photo to me... even though it's been edited slightly from a camera app normally even after it's been edited I didn't like my cheekbones and I used to hate photos of my side... but I was fascinated because I thought I looked cute. I have chubby cheeks from the swelling and my cheekbones are smaller so maybe that's why. I look cute so I'm just in a really good mood hehe I'm going to wear the elastics diligently. I hope my bite improves soon. 

Day 44

When I wake up in the morning I used to think it was intense, but that feeling has subsided! In the past, I was severely swollen in the morning but I don't feel that that's the case these days! I'm in a good mood because the swelling subsiding is noticeable! Today... I went to eat some grilled scallops and tried to eat some of the soft parts but :( for the tougher parts I either cut it up into small pieces or spat it out. My jaw... should be fine... right? I haven't been able to do the jaw exercises well these days so when I removed the elastics to open my mouth, I can only fit about one finger :( I should do it more often..!!

Day 45

I'm swollen in the morning and my jawline is more visible at night which makes me think that the swelling is definitely going down! lol sometimes when I yawn the cheekbone or jaw feels stiff but other than that I feel fine!!! Maybe it's because my bite isn't completely fixed yet but I have difficulty chewing. I can feel the grains of rice passing through the gaps in my teeth..? I feel like a squirrel where the rice keeps hiding in cavities in my cheeks... Maybe it's the scars but it feels like I'm saving rice under my gums :( I don't know how to explain it :( It could also be getting stuck in my braces so I'm going to wait! I want time to pass by quickly so that I can eat pork belly~~~~!!

Day 48

I met with someone who didn't know I underwent surgery and they told me they didn't recognize me! They said I definitely look like me but not and that it was so fascinating haha they asked if it didn't hurt at all so I said it didn't hurt lol I exaggerated a bit and said it hurt less than double eyelid surgery,,, but it genuinely didn't hurt... how come it doesn't hurt even though the bones moved? but it really didn't hurt... maybe it's due to the medication and IV but there weren't any moments where I thought I was in a lot of pain. I just had some difficulty breathing immediately after the surgery, couldn't eat what I wanted to, and wasn't used to washing my hair by leaning my head back so it was minor inconveniences! But each one was overcome one by one which made it easier to persevere!!

Day 50

The first digit is now 5!!! I'm so fascinated! I went out with my dad and wore the same black disposable mask, and he asked why the mask looks so big LOL it's the same mask but his looks small and it looks big on me... haha so I said I cut my jaw :) and I felt good... I used to look like my dad before the surgery but now I get told that I look like my mom! I think it's because it went from being masculine and angular and long to smooth!

Day 53

I took a photo with the default camera and now I'm not shocked by it!! When I say I'm not shocked.... in the past I used to say "wow that's me? this is how others see me?? that can't be" and I was sad or depressed for the whole day but now when I do that I go "huh, that must be me! not bad??" instead. The asymmetry was so stressful but now that it's improved it's easy to accept my face!! To accept myself as I am is such a big change so I'm proud of myself for making this big decision  (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥)

Day 54

I ate eel!!!!! I wondered if I could chew but I can! It was a bit difficult to chew some of the crispier parts, but it felt good to chew. I also ate white kimchi by tearing it to small pieces and focusing on the softer parks (though I pretty much just swallowed it) hehe on the right side of my face the numbness is recovery bit by bit, and the heavy feeling is reduced, and the tight feeling I felt when lying on my side is also reduced. The left side still feels a bit tight when I'm not doing anything :( I asked the hospital and they asked me to keep an eye on it for a few more days but if I still feel uncomfortable, I can schedule an appointment with the doctor so I decided to wait a bit!! The amount of things that I can eat has increased a bit so I think my weight has gone up... I should... exercise probably

Day 55

When I woke up I saw something that said IU takes selfies using the back camera. I wondered how that was possible, and decided to try it myself... In the past I would have... not had any words for how I looked from the back camera... lol... in the past I hated how I looked from the back camera. Everyone says you should love yourself but I had no confidence in my appearance. I took one photo and I don't know if it's because the angle was nice or what but despite the fact that I took the photo as soon as I woke up while still lying down, it looked nice haha I just think I look cute lol but the very fact that I can find myself cute is such a huge improvement! It's so new! Another day when I felt that it was a good idea to have done the surgery (*´`*)

Day 57

The tight feeling on the left side is a bit reduced but the left jaw or cheekbone now feels like the muscles are tense. Sometimes I also feel some pain in my ears but it's different from the feeling like there's water in my ears from the beginning of the recovery period and I haven't felt that for the past few weeks so I think that's gone! The ear pain is something I felt from time to time before the surgery so I'm not too bothered by it but... I'm mostly concerned about the fact that just the left side feels tense :( I hope it's fine! Whenever it feels too tense I use a warm compress on the left side of my face and do more jaw exercises! Also, I ate curry... hm... the elastics on either side turned yellow,,,,,, I forgot and didn't realize how neon yellow it would become,,,͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) To be honest I didn't brush my teeth right after eating so maybe that's why hahahhahhhAhAH next time I will brush my teeth right away,, I'll ask if I'm allowed to eat curry at my next appointment lol but wow it's already day 57 time is so fast. My boyfriend also finds it fascinating how fast the swelling has been subsiding lol, to be honest in the past when I took a selfie with an app I wasn't able to edit it much because then it would become too obvious... and the length of the middle of my face couldn't be altered... but now when I take selfies I automatically like it, and the photo taken from the back camera doesn't look artificial and I prefer it!!! lol

Day 65

I went back to the clinic a few days ago to take a CT for the tight feeling on the left side of my face and spoke with the doctor, but he said there were no issues! It's been a while since I've seen him so I was happy to see him and I laughed a lot! Anyways the reason the left side feels tight is!! When I move my mouth, the screws in my gums rub against the inside of the cheeks, and the bite isn't perfect yet so the muscles are adjusting so this can happen so I've relieved! They very kindly told me that if there are additional issues or concerns, I can contact the hospital again so I was happy hehe I was anxious to match the bite of where the wafer would make me bite when I'm not using the wafer, so I tried relaxing my jaw and the feeling went away...! It must've been due to the anxiety! These days there are more covid cases so I haven't been going out.. I wanted to try a short haircut when most of the major swelling subsided... but I'm afraid to go to the hair salon so I should go when things get better :( Also these days the feeling in the left side of my face seems to be returning because it's very tingly!!! Go me!!!! 

Day 70

It's finally!!!!! Day 70!!!! Maybe it's because I haven't been practicing opening my jaws, but it's was difficult to fit a cherry tomato in my mouth but everything else is fine!!! Now I can cut cucumbers to small pieces and chew them, and I can also chew the soft leafy parts of kimchi!  The major swelling is mostly gone but there's residual swelling around my nose and philtrum that's plateaued!!!! I should practice opening my jaws more so that I can open it wider :( These days I really ... want to drink beer... but I'm restraining myself... I just need to abstain for 30 more days and I'm going to drink when it becomes day 100 hehe .... I haven't decided on what hairstyle to do so I've been looking for inspiration but I am overflowing with confidence that whatever I do... it will look good (><heeheehee

Day 78

Today I really!!! Really really really wanted some beer so I asked the staff through kakao talk to see if it would be okay and she said I can have 1 can of beer so I had some beer hehehehe I didn't like alcohol that much before surgery but I was craving beer so badly :( It was so nice to have my wish come true... When I put lipstick on or made my lips pronounce the 'ooh' sound, my philtrum used to feel tight, but I feel it less nowadays! Now when I wake up in the morning I can fit 2 fingers in my mouth but 3 fingers is a stretch... I'm doing the jaw exercises whenever I think of it! I took a selfie for the first time in a long time and I felt good because I liked most of them heheheh I didn't have much cheek fat before the surgery and was told that it might look holly after the surgery but... why do I like it... is it because it looks more natural?? Is it because my cheeks aren't hollow yet because of the swelling..? Anyway I like it!! I'm shocked that it's already day 78... It feels like time flew by after the 1-month mark!

Day 86

Last week when I went to my orthodontic appointment I removed two screws in my upper gums! It was so sudden so I was scared,,, but I was touched because he took it out in a way that was very gently and painless?? I wonder when the orthodontic treatment will end,,, I want to smile wide with brace-free teeth!! An uncle that was very concerned before the surgery constantly tells me that it's a relief that the outcome is so pretty LOL It's bewildering and fascinating but nice. There isn't a lot of difference in the swelling compared to day 70 but I've been eating a lot these days (spicy ddeokbokki, chicken skewers, chicken, pizza, everything....) I wonder if I gained fat in my face... I was told that pilates was okay to do starting at the 3-month mark, so I will go back to doing that!! Sometimes the area next to the left side of my lip feels tingly but it's bearable so it's okay! The right side used to feel tickly but the left side is prickly and the sensation seems to be returning,,,?? It's fascinating (︎ ՞ ՞)︎ These days I hear that I became cute after the surgery often! The length of my face was reduced, and my cheeks are puffy from the swelling so that's why but it makes me feel good hehe 

Day 92

I finally! Cut my hair! It's something I wanted to do after the surgery!!! I finally! Cut it! I feel like I gained some confidence after the surgery. In the past I wanted to try short hairstyles but... I contemplated between this or that hairstyle and ended up choosing a lob (long bob) but now I wanted to do this and that hairstyle and try all the hairstyles so the difference in attitude was fascinating and interesting LOL!!(̑◡・̑) After cutting my hair the people at the salon all told me that it suited me so I felt good... And the fact that I like how I look also makes me feel good.... hehehehe I gained the confidence to try a different short hairstyle next time!

Day 115

It's past day 100 and now I can eat chicken feet really well it's a little more difficult to eat bones than it was before the surgery but I can still eat it well! haha that's the most exciting part... I can eat pork belly without the cartilage(?) as well!! The swelling is also pretty much gone compared to the first few weeks after surgery but my dad asked if the lower cheek(?) area is fat so I told him it was swelling... but I think it's fat... I should lose weight (;o;)

Day 148

Time is passing by super duper quickly... I can't believe it's been 5 months lol I think there's some residual swelling in my cheeks! The numbness in the roof of my mouth or inside my mouth seems to be completely back, and I used to be concerned because the upper lip looked asymmetrical immediately after the surgery, and it looked very thin as well, but now it looks the way it did before the surgery!!! Almost to the point where I regret worrying so much,,, My mouth can also open as wide as I used to be able to as well and I can eat everything!! A few days ago I went on summer vacation and I ate all kinds of different meat and I could chew everything without issue. The only thing is that it's difficult to cut things with my incisors because of the braces :(,, but it's fine!!!!!!! I can just put the whole thing in my mouth and chew anyway!!! The molars seem to be matching better now thanks to the braces so I can chew very well hehe even my mom was surprised and asked "you can chew that as well??" The orthodontist is so kind,,, if I ask one thing he explains it in detail very kindly,,, he's the best,,,,, I've never seen such a kind dentist,,,,,, he's the best?

Day 184

I eat lamb skewers, chicken feet, and almonds using my molars, I'm still undergoing orthodontic treatment so I eat everything except things that are tough to eat....! Nobody knows I've done surgery... And even I don't remember that I've done surgery!!! LOL Sometimes I go "oh, right. I've done surgery didn't I" hahaha after my jaw became short I could see the jaw muscle(?) better or something but I didn't like it so I got botox in that area as well as a lifting treatment and I like its effects! Lifting isn't necessary but I saw a review once that said they thought it was a good idea to do it so that's why I did it but I do think it's good so I will go for more! I also heard that it's good to do lifting procedures when you're young...? I also did acne extractions along with the lifting and I'm fine! At 2-3 months after the surgery? I couldn't fit 2 fingers because it was so difficult and I was so scared but now I can open my mouth so wide that I can fit 4 fingers!

Day 220

My hair was getting shaggy so I trimmed it! Maybe it's from the lifting procedures or because I'm so busy these days but I've been hearing from people that my face looks slimmer so when I become less busy I want to do another round of lifting treatment! These days the inside of my cheek keeps getting poked by the braces but other than that I have no complaints! I got a scalp massage at a hair salon and they pushed into the cheekbone area quite firmly... so I was concerned that it would have a negative effect?! But just like the doctor said the bones were stable and nothing happened!! I'm happy these days because I'm seeing more and more hairstyles that I want to try, and although I didn't look older than my age before the surgery, I feel good because everyone who meets me tells me I look young and cute!! LOL I look at myself in the mirror and am fascinated that I think I look cute haha!

Day 279

Nobody knows I've done surgery. That's the most fascinating part. I used to think that the results of doing double jaw surgery would have been very obvious but if I tell people they get very surprised and tell me they had no idea which is so so fascinating... I'm still undergoing orthodontic treatment which is tough but if that ends I feel like I could really live. Everyone is telling me that the surgery was a good choice which makes me feel good, and I'm happy because the result is so natural...!!! Even my family tell me that it was a good idea to have done surgery because I'm so happy with the results so I'm happy and thankful?

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